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Design principles of VecTcl

VecTcl was designed in a way that integrates numerical computing tools as closely with Tcl as possible. VecTcl was defined to adhere to these general objectives:

  1. Ease of use
  2. Interoperability
  3. Generality
  4. No external dependencies
  5. Performance

These terms are interpreted within VecTcl in the following sense:

  1. Ease of use. The syntax should be as close to textbook notation of numerical mathematics as possible. This goal is largely achieved by borrowing a set of syntactical elements and essential functions from the array language supported by MATLAB and NumPy, two popular computational tools outside the Tcl world.
  2. Interoperability. Tcl already has a data type suitable for dealing with sequences of numbers, namely a list of integer or double values. Matrices and higher-rank tensors are most naturally expressed as nested lists. It is desirable, that the vector type can be converted to and from the list representation with ease, preferably without an explicit conversion step. In this way, code using VecTcl can seamlessly interface to code written in pure Tcl, like math::linearalgebra, which uses the same encoding, and to other packages supporting sequences of numbers. Value semantics also allows Tcl procs to extend the language, pass vectors back and forth as first class objects, and leave memory management to the Tcl interpreter. It should be noted, that VecTcl does NOT use the list representation at the C level, nor is hidden information carried along that breaks the value semantics.
  3. Generality. There should be no arbitrary limitation on the number of dimensions or the size of the objects. The vector engine should not be limited to 3D vectors and support higher-rank tensors both with syntax and in the backend as well as matrices and vectors.
  4. No external dependencies. Besides what is required to compile Tcl itself, no external libraries should be required to compile nor run the code. This means that the code must be written in pure C, use TEA and stubs, and generated code must be included prebuilt within the package. A few high-quality BSD compatible libraries have been incorporated into the project. Faster alternatives for these libraries exist, but have been ruled out due to incompatible licenses or codesize. Facultative dependency on these external libraries would be acceptable as a compile-time choice.
  5. Performance. In order to justify a C level extension, both memory footprint and execution speed of the computation should be kept as efficient as possible, and in any case better than what could be achieved with a Tcl level implementation.

It is clear, that these objectives compete, and so a certain compromise must be achieved. For example, performance could be improved by adding external dependencies, or usage could be simplified by loss of generality (e.g. restricting the values to two-dimensional matrices instead of N-rank tensors). The following sections give an overview over the compromise sought, what is achieved and what is planned or desirable.

Implementation details

VecTcl is implemented as a two-layered system. At the bottom lies a new Tcl_ObjType, NumArray, implemented in C together with a number of commands to manipulate it. The commands live in the namespace numarray and comprise elementary operations on numerical data like array shaping and slicing, elementwise binary operators, logical comparisons, matrix product operations, linear equation solving, elementary transcendental functions. On top of that, an expression compiler written in Tcl transforms a sequence of mathematical expressions from infix notation into nested function calls, which are then executed by Tcl.

The NumArray Tcl_ObjType

NumArray is a polymorphic datatype which represents an N-rank tensor of integer, floating point or complex floating point type. The internal representation consists of two data structures, pointed to by the twoPtrValue-fields in Tcl_Obj. The first structure NumArraySharedBuffer stores the data of the NumArray in a contiguous memory buffer in native machine representation, refcounted and shared between a NumArray and derived slices. The second structure NumArrayInfo contains the describing metadata

typedef struct  {
	NumArrayType type;
	int nDim;
	int bufsize;
	int offset;
	int canonical;
	int *dims;
	int *pitches;
} NumArrayInfo;

The important fields in this structure are the number of dimensions nDim, number of elements in each dimension dims, the offset of the first element into the buffer offset, the byte increments for advancing along each dimension pitches, and the data type of the stored data type.

This representation, a contiguous memory buffer together with byte increments, is the most suitable to do fast computations and to interface with existing libraries like BLAS and LAPACK. In the implemented form, it allows for a wide range of array manipulations without touching the data itself; for example, to select a subset of an array along one axis, merely the corresponding value in dims needs to be adjusted and the offset be recomputed, if the slice does not start from the front. Similarly, it is possible to select every second or third element in a dimension by increasing the pitch value, and negative pitches can be used to reverse an array. Transposition can likewise be achieved by swapping the metadata of two axes. In accordance with the value semantics of Tcl, VecTcl implements copy-on-write on these slices and creates shared buffers for all of the above transformations.

The other face of NumArray is the string representation. NumArray was designed to reconcile the list representation and the need of different dimensionality and numerical data types with EIAS. Contrary to a common misbelief, EIAS does not exclude the existence of data types; it merely requires that an unambiguous deserialization exists, such that a round trip from serialization/deserialization leads to a value that behaves the same as the original, possibly having the same internal representation. As an example, consider the standard expr. expr’s operators treat a string that parses as an integer as an integer value, else interpret it as a double, and if that fails, treat it as a non-numeric string error. In this way, every string can unambiguously interpreted as being an integer, a floating point value or a general string, even though every integer parses correctly as a floating point value, too. NumArray enhances these data types with N-rank tensors and complex values. A NumArray can formally be described with reference to Tcl lists as follows:

A NumArray is one of the following, which are tried in this order:

  1. An empty list
  2. A list of values, which can all be parsed as integers
  3. A list of values, which can all be parsed as doubles
  4. A list of values, which can all be parsed as complex values
  5. A list of NumArrays which are not the empty list, all having the same number of elements and same data type

Using this grammar, the degree (i.e. number of dimensions), data type and number of elements of a NumArray can unambiguously derived. Examples for the interpretation are given below

set x {1 2 3} ;# an integer vector of length 3
set y {{1.0 3.0} {3.0 5.0}} ;# a 2x2 floating-point matrix
set y {{1.0 3.0 5.0}} ;# a 1x3 floating-point matrix, i.e., a row vector
set z {0+1i 2+3.5i 3.0+0i} ;# a complex vector of length 3
set u {{1 2 3}} ;# a 1x3 integer matrix (a row vector)
set v {{{1 2} {3 4}} {{5 6} {7 8}}} ;# a 2x2x2 integer tensor

set e {1.0 2 3} ;# a floating point vector of length 3
set e1 {1.0 2 3a} ;# error: 3a can't be parsed as a number
set e2 {{1 2} 3 4} ;# error: Dimensions don't match

One peculiarity, which comes from the Tcl list representation, needs further consideration: a value with no spaces in it can alternatively interpreted as a list with a single value. And due to EIAS, a string containing a space is indistinguishable from a list consisting of two elements. This has two consequences, first single-element values (or scalars) may not contain spaces in their string representation. Otherwise, the following two NumArrays could’nt be disambiguated:

set c1 {3.0+4.0i} ;# a complex number 
 # with real part 3.0 and imaginary part 4.0
set c2 {3.0 +4.0i} ;# a complex vector of length 2,
 # equal to {3.0+0.0i 0.0+4.0i}

Second, trailing singleton dimensions must be insignificant, i.e. a Nx1 matrix is identical to a vector of length N, a scalar is identical to a vector of length 1 and a 1x1 matrix. Fortunately, this coincides with the usual linear algebra interpretation of these entities. For two-dimensional objects, a human-understable representation can be printed using

puts [join $thing \n]

Thus, a vector is interpreted as a column vector, while a row vector must be represented as a 1xN matrix.

Following this encoding, element retrieval from NumArrays can be done using lindex as well as with the indexing operator of vexpr:

set A {{1 2} {3 4} {5 6}} 
set a_11 [lindex $A 2 0] ;# 5
vexpr { a_11=A[2,0] } ;# 5

For incomplete indices, a slice is returned

set A {{1 2} {3 4} {5 6}} 
set a_1 [lindex $A 2] ;# {5 6}
vexpr { a_1=A[2] } ;# should also be {5 6}
 # doesn't work currently, BUG

Of course, lindex causes shimmering if the Tcl_Obj has an internal NumArray representation, which is particularly inefficient if the list patch is not applied (see the section on performance).

vexpr, the Tcl level compiler and execution engine

Using the commands in the numarray ensemble, it is possible to perform computations on numerical arrays in prefix form:

set a {1 2 3}
set c [numarray neg [numarray * 2 [numarray + $a {4 5 6}]]]

But most mathematics is actually better expressed in infix form; the above sequence of commands is equal to

vexpr {
	a={1 2 3}
	c=-2*(a+{4 5 6})

Of course, both forms can be freely mixed, there is no perceived distinction at the script level between variables accessed and modified within a vexpr or outside. Therefore vexpr can be used in inline form similar to expr

set c [vexpr {-2*(a+{4 5 6})}]

or as a self-standing command with a longer sequence of statements. The language is quite complete and supports not only simple assignments, but loops and conditions as well.

The expression handed over to vexpr is compiled into the prefix form using a compiler based on the small, but clever example compiler from the wiki by Donal Fellows. The resulting Tcl code is not evaluated directly, but put into a proc under the namespace numarray. For every variable that is accessed in the expression, the compiler emits an upvar instruction so as to access the variable in the callers scope.

Thus, the above vexpr is equivalent to

proc numarray::compiledexpressionXX {} {
	upvar 1 a a
	upvar 1 c c
	set a {1 2 3}
	set c [numarray::neg [numarray::* 2 [numarray::+ [set a] {4 5 6}]]]

where XX denotes a sequence number. vexpr maintains a cache of compiled expressions in a dict and compiles every expression only once. For repeated invocation of the same expression, merely the associated proc is invoked via uplevel.

Loops, branches and function calls are translated to their Tcl equivalent. The execution under the numarray namespace ensures that the commands contained there appear as built-in functions, but any Tcl proc can be called as a function. This ensures compatibility on the command level, without the need for special commands or syntax to extend the math language. As a performance improvement,vproc allows to create a Tcl proc entirely defined by a single vexprprogram. The only difference is that the compiler doesn’t emit upvar instructions for the local variables, and that the vexpr call itself is circumvented.

Comparison to expr

Since vexpr is a functional superset of expr, most expressions which are executed by expr should run within vexpr and produce the same results. Apart from the obvious differences that vexpr handles complex numbers and multi-component values, there are a few syntactic differences, which should briefly by explained in the following paragraphs.

The case with $

expr requires variable references to be prefixed with $, while vexpr expects the variable names are bare words. This choice is mostly due to the belief of the VecTcl author, that the $ in expr is largely a historic relict from the times when expr was used with unbraced expressions and the Tcl interpreter had to substitute the string value for a variable. Today, passing an unbraced expression or multiple arguments to expr is considered bad style, and the $ is still required but technically not needed anymore in most cases. Since the $ is used to indicate value substitution, it would also be irritating in case of assignments. $a=$b as an assignment looks odd to the eye of the Tcl programmer (in contrast to, e.g., Perl or PHP). The $ could optionally be supported for the right hand side of expressions. This is currently not implemented, but will be useful especially to access variables with odd names. Currently, neither variables with spaces in it can be referenced in VecTcl nor array elements, since the array syntax collides with the syntax for calling a function. These cases could be disambiguated by allowing quoted syntax such as ${a(2)} to refer to an array element. The exact substitution rules inside such a braced expression is yet to be defined, such that both odd names containing spaces and metacharacters, as well as array elements with variable indices can be referred to. Further it needs to be defined, how variables can be accessed using this syntax on the left hand side of an assignment.

Command substitution using []

Inside expr, command substitution using the square brackes is used to call out Tcl procs. In VecTcl, no special syntax is needed to call a Tcl proc, because VecTcl makes no distinction between a math function and a Tcl proc. The special expr syntax is likewise believed to be a historic relict, coming from the way that command substitution is handled within Tcl. Inside the brackets usual Tcl substitution rules apply. That leads to the consequence, that computed arguments to such a function itself require another nested expr call, leading to verbose and hard to read code. For instance, to extract twice the element with index from a list using lindex

set te [expr {2*[lindex $l [expr {2*$n+1}]]}]

is needed, whereas using VecTcl, the same code can be compressed to

vexpr {te=2*lindex(l,2*n+1)}

Such code is not uncommon for index calculations. To remedy this issue, an internal treatment of simple offsets has been incorporated into lindex and similar commands. The issue can be solved in a more general way by allowing for any Tcl command to be part of a math expression.


expr supports arbitrary string values for operators which have a useful definition for general strings. For example, strings are allowed as the result of the ternary operator ?: or input to the comparison operators. Further, additional operators are defined to test if a string is contained within a given list. Inside literal double-quoted strings, again the full range of Tcl substitutions (including nested command substitution) is supported. VecTcl, on the other hand, does not support strings at the current stage. NumArrays can not be defined on lists of general strings as elemental values. The reason is that elemental values must be free of whitespace, otherwise the dimensionality of the values can’t be unambiguously derived from the string representation. This is a requirement of EIAS, and unless some additional restriction is posed onto the elemental values such as obligatory quoting, arrays of strings are impossible. Passing literal strings or variables containing general strings to functions, on the other hand, poses no such problems. The current implementation supports the latter string containing variables, as long as they are not accessed using NumArray functions or operators. The former embedded literal strings are currently not supported, but will make a good companion to enable calling commands with non-numerical arguments, most notably ensemble subcommands. It is open to discussion, how much of Tcls substitution syntax should be enabled within these strings, whether just literal strings should be allowed, or variable and command substitution as in expr.

Under the assumption that strings are implemented, VecTcl would provide a complete alternative syntax to the Tcl interpreter. For instance, this program shows how a dictionary could be unfolded into local variable names from within vexpr

vproc dict_inflate {d} {
	for key=dict("keys", d) {
		upvar("1", key, "var")
		var = dict("get", d, key)

Of course it is not recommended to program in this style, but such an exercise demonstrates, that the drafted language inside vexpr is quite complete and scalable. The programming style can vary smoothly from a style similar to expr, where only a single expression is passed and the result further processed by Tcl code, over multiple assignments and expressions with loops into a full-blown alternative scripting language, which only shares the runtime execution engine with Tcl. This scalability accounts for the fact that some code, notably heavily numerical code, is best expressed within an expression-oriented language as provided by VecTcl, whereas other pieces of code, most notably string processing, are best performed in a substitution-oriented language such as Tcl.

Performance considerations

Shimmering performance

Due to the way the grammar is defined, a value to be interpreted as a NumArray must be parsed recursively down to the level of individual elements at the moment of shimmering, i.e. in the setFromAnyProc. At this moment, it must accept every possible number of dimensions or data type. Since numerical objects can be very large, the setFromAnyProc tries to perform the conversion without triggering a string representation. This is done by looking into the typePtr field of the Tcl_Obj representing the input value, before attempting to fetch the value using Tcl_GetFooFromObj(). Only if the typePtr can neither be read as an integer, double, complex, or list type, the string representation is examined. A pure sequence of Tcl_GetFooFromObj() is insufficient to prevent the string conversion, possibly multiple times, especially when non-core numeric datatypes like complex values or NumArray slices are involved. Therefore, the efficiency of converting a pure list of doubles into NumArray is dependent on the fact that the core datatypes int, double, list, are registered using Tcl_RegisterObjType(). An alternative interface satisfying the needs of NumArray’s setFromAnyProc would be a Tcl_MaybeGetFooFromObj() function which fails if the Tcl_Obj in question cannot be converted to the requested value type without triggering a string conversion.

Of equal importance than the conversion of Tcl’s native datatypes into NumArray is the other way round. At some point, the data must leave the internal representation of NumArray. The only official way to do this is the updateStringProc. But the string representation is not always the final step in the conversion. If the NumArray is not scalar, then in most cases the code using the result expects a list, and the generated string representation is just used to parse the values back into a list. For instance, consider a program which wishes to draw a line on the canvas computed by VecTcl.

# compute a sine wave using VecTcl
vexpr { 
	coords = hstack(x*10+100, y+100)
	coords = reshape(coords, 2000)
# display on canvas
.c create line $coords

As long as the canvas is not rewritten to understand NumArrays directly,coords shimmers via string to list of doubles. VecTcl contains an experimental feature to enable direct conversion from the internal representation, enabled by --enable-listpatch during compilation. It requires a small patch to the Tcl core to work. The patch replaces calls to setListFromAny in the core (single file tclListObj.c) with equivalent calls to Tcl_ConvertToType() and removes the const qualifier from the list Tcl_ObjType. Thus VecTcl can patch the list Tcl_ObjType() and wrap the setFromAny proc, such that NumArrays are checked first. The conversion code constructs a list of scalar values from one-dimensional NumArrays. Higher-dimensional NumArrays are returned as a list of slices into the original buffer. Thus, a lindex into a matrix with 1000×1000 elements, shimmers the object into a list of 1000 slices, and the accessed row into a list of 1000 doubles. In contrast, without the patch, it prints a million doubles into ASCII. A cleaner way to achieve this goal would be, if the core provided a method to register an optimized myObjTypetoList() function, or even more general, a way to register an A to B transform. Even the core itself could profit from such an infrastructure, since, e.g., the dict and list types can be converted circumventing the string representation, which is done currently by making list and dict setFromAny know of each other.

Execution speed of vexpr: Compilation

Compilation speed of vexpr in its current implementation is satisfying. Simple statements compile faster than a millisecond, and relatively long expressions or programs, such as the integration loop in José Ignacio Marín’s example, take a few milliseconds to compile

vproc shipTrajectory {} {
    numSteps = 13000
    x = zeros(numSteps + 1, 2); # m
    v = zeros(numSteps + 1, 2); # m/s

    x[0, 0] = 15e6
    x[0, 1] = 1e6
    v[0, 0] = 2e3
    v[0, 1] = 4e3

    for i=0:numSteps-1 {
        a = acceleration(x[i,:])
        v[i+1,0] = v[i,0]+::h*a[0]
        v[i+1,1] = v[i,1]+::h*a[1]
        x[i+1,0] = x[i,0]+::h*v[i,0]
        x[i+1,1] = x[i,1]+::h*v[i,1]

Execution speed of a sequence of commands

On the other hand, the execution speed of this code is very slow compared to the clock speed of the computer. On the same machine on which the standard benchmarks are performed, it takes 600 milliseconds to integrate the 13,000 steps. A single iteration of the loop is therefore 100,000 clock cycles. The code hidden in acceleration needs a few multiplications, a division and a square root, but this still doesn’t justify 100,000 clock cycles on a modern machine. When the updates in the inner loop are rewritten in vector form, the execution speed nearly doubles. This code

v[i+1,:] = v[i,:]+::h*a
x[i+1,:] = x[i,:]+::h*v[i,:]

takes 350 milliseconds to complete 13,000 steps. The main reason for this difference is that the time for actually performing this computation is insignificant. Calling a C coded command which doesn’t do anything in a for loop many times takes 200 ns per iteration, which is almost 500 times slower than the clock speed of the machine. The second variant of the code simply runs faster because it eliminates half of the command calls. To make this kind of code run fast, the speed of the Tcl bytecode engine will have to be improved, or an alternative backend for the VecTcl compiler must be sought. Circumventing the Tcl bytecode compiler and directly assembling Tcl bytecodes could solve certain issues, for instance the stringification of literals, which currently restricts constant folding in order to not generate Tcl code consisting mostly of huge literal strings. This is unlikely to improve performance by a large margin, since scalar values and small literal lists are already constant-folded.

One possible alternative implementation could generate code in C, which still calls the same underlying C commands, but does not dispatch through the Tcl interpreter. Such an implementation is within reach with the advent of the tcc4tcl extension, which can compile C code very fast into memory and execute it from there. Using the critcl extension to compile with an external compiler to disk and loading the code from there would lead to much more optimized code, however, for the purposes of VecTcl this seems impractical because it requires the heavy-weight installation of an external compiler with all its dependencies. The compilation speed will be orders of magnitude slower and will pay off only under certain circumstances, and when the source code is transformed into C level loops with deeper analysis, instead of a sequence of command dispatches.

Execution speed of a single NumArray vector command

The execution performance of a VecTcl expression can also be bound by the performance of the underlying NumArray operations. This is the case, when only a few instructions are performed which operate on a large number of datapoints simultaneously, such as a long vector or a huge matrix. In fact, programmers which use languages similar to VecTcl, for instance Matlab or NumPy, often seek to write their code in this style, which is usually termed vectorization, because it generally provides the fastest programs. Most elemental operations of NumArray already reach the maximum performance, as evidenced by the memory benchmark, where an elemental operation such as adding two vectors is measured against the speed of memcpy. Memcpy is a very tough competitor, since it doesn’t compute anything while copying the values and is heavily optimized by the compiler. The benchmark shows, that most of the pointwise operations come close to the memory bandwidth for vectors, but performance is dependent on the shape of the matrix. A possible improvement on this end would be the usage of highly optimized linear algebra subroutines (BLAS) such as provided by ATLAS or Intel MKL for important special cases. This could be done as a compile-time option, such that the basic package is not unconditionally dependent on these external libraries. Such a library would also boost performance in some more complex operations like matrix multiplication and equation solving, and is necessary to be competitive in this end with other numerical packages. Due to the existence of a standard unified interface, the best available BLAS could be selected at compile time with little effort in the VecTcl codebase. Another simple enhancement which is generally applicable to all internal loops is the use of OpenMP instructions. OpenMP annotates C code with pragmas which leads to parallelized code from supporting compilers. It is widely supported and gives parallel execution with very little effort. It should be noted that these optimizations only come into play with certain length of the operands; from the memory benchmark it is evident, that below a size of 10,000 bytes, or roughly 1,000 floating point values in double precision, the command dispatch takes more time than the actual computation.

Execution speed of a single complex expression

The third type of performance impact on the speed of a compiled expression can be seen as a mixture of the first two; it arises when a vectorized expression with large vectors consists of many terms. Consider an expression such as

vexpr {r = a.*a+b.*b }

Each of the subexpressions is evaluated in sequence; the expression is evaluated as if we had written

vexpr {
	temp1 = a.*a
	temp2 = b.*b
	r = temp1 + temp2

This impacts performance in two ways. First, it performs three passes in total over the input data. Second, if the vectors are sufficiently long, temp1 and temp2 will not remain in the cache of the CPU and spilled to memory, which leads to high latency when they are added together and in consequence many wasted clock cycles, where the CPU just waits for the data from main memory. In contrast, if we had written the same loop in a compiled language

for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
	r[i] = a[i]*a[i] + b[i]*b[i]

This code does only one pass over the data. It can load the operands a[i] and b[i] in parallel and does not cause cache misses, and all intermediate values are held in a register. Therefore, this code should execute at least 2-3 times faster than the version above. This speed bottleneck is really hard to overcome; even compiled languages have suffered from this problem. In fact, C++ was considered to be “too slow for numerical computation” until some tricky template technique was invented, the main purpose of which is to move the elementwise expression into the inner loop. One way to tackle this problem could be the use of blocking, that is to break the vector expression into smaller chunks such that the temporaries still fit into the cache size, and to execute highly optimized fixed-size code pieces for each chunk. This is the approach taken by, e.g., the Python numexpr extension. Good blocking is also the backbone of fast higher-level algorithms inside LAPACK and fast BLAS libraries. Another approach could again be the use of code generation, to generate native machine code using, e.g. tcc4tcl, which executes the loop in one pass. However this is not likely to be implemented soon, as it requires deeper analysis and type/dimensionality inference to work. In addition, performance may actually suffer up to a certain level of complexity of the expression due to the weaker optimization of tcc in comparison to the native compiler.

The performance improvements suggested in this section all share the nice property, that they can be implemented within the vexpr command without the client code ever noticing, that the compilation is directed via C into native machine code or bytecode for a blocking expression evaluator. This comes as a consequence, that vexpr accepts the expression as a string due to Tcl’s syntax rules and is in contrast to, e.g. similar solutions in Python, where the expression must be explicitly supplied as a string or decorated. However, the proposed performance improvements still remain to be implemented.

Other implementation issues

Parsing nonfinite and complex numbers

The first version of VecTcl used the official API Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj() to (attempt to) extract a double value from a string. This has proven to be insufficient, because of the handling of the IEEE not-a-number entity NaN. Therefore, the code for Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj() had to be copied from the Tcl core and modified to pass an IEEE NaN back to the caller.

The current handling of IEEE non-finite floating point entities is inconsistent in Tcl. While +/-Inf is allowed both as the result of a computation and as a string format, NaN is not. The string “NaN” is correctly translated into a quiet NaN in IEEE format upon shimmering to a double value, but taking a NaN out of a double using Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj() results in an error. This behaviour is mostly undesirable in a vector computation. There are different use cases of NaN values. One is to indicate an arithmetically undefined value, such as dividing by zero or taking the real logarithm of a negative value. Another case is to deliberately insert NaNs into a sequence of numbers to indicate missing values. The third is to use it as a debug tool when writing the software.

In the first two cases, an exception is not desired as soon as a NaN appears, because all other components of a vector might still contain valid computation results. A fast function plotter, for instance, could be implemented by an elementwise vector computation. If we tried to plot the sinc function,

vexpr {
	x= linspace(-10,10,1001)
	y= sin(x)./x

and a single invalid value would throw an exception instead of producing NaN, the function plotter would be unable to display the correctly computed 1000 values because of the single NaN which appears at x=0. Worse, hitting the exception depends on the exact (bit-for-bit) value of the boundaries of the plotting interval and number of datapoints.

The second use case of NaN arises when data are statistically analysed. Sometimes it is convenient to just insert a dummy value, if no value can be provided, similar to NULL values in relational databases. NaN is an excellent choice, because it does not silently convert back to a valid value, which might happen with ad-hoc dummy values such as 0, 1e10 or similar. For the backend implementation, it is also convenient because no additional bits have to be reserved and the execution speed is not impacted by many checks for NULL values, because NaNs are handled in hardware on IEEE conforming machines.

Signalling NaNs are useful as a debug tool to locate the point at which a program goes wrong, but they make it harder to do write stable software, because the programmer is forced to wrap an exception catching block around every single expression, instead of deferring error handling to a later stage. Therefore VecTcl chooses to not signal, when NaN is encountered. For similar reasons, hardware exceptions on NaN are rarely enabled in compiled programs, since an end-user program should never crash when an illegal arithmetic value operation is encountered. In order to debug a program which produces NaN for no obvious reasons, a global switch can be imagined which enables NaNs to signal an exception. For production use, this switch will likely be turned off in order to enable exception handling at higher levels, and for each component of a computation individually.

Implementing this choice as an extension is challenging. Tcl’s internal number parsing function TclParseNumber() is not exposed, but has a few nice properties that make it very suitable for a vector extension. Therefore, VecTcl uses the Tcl_ConvertToType() function to request the value to shimmer to double, and then extracts the value using the same code copied from Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(), modified to pass back NaN without throwing an error. This is quite fragile, it will break as soon as the NaN handling in the core changes, e.g. if throwing the error migrates from Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj() into the setFromAnyProc of the double.

Concluding remarks

VecTcl was designed to be a linear algebra package for Tcl resembling other concepts of Tcl as much as possible. In contrast to most, if not all, other vector packages it provides value semantics by implementing a proper Tcl_ObjType for the data storage. This has the advantage that other code (Tcl or C) knowing nothing of VecTcl can use the data directly, though the exchange is more efficient with adapted packages. Since the values are first-class objects using this approach, the data can be passed to and returned from Tcl procs with no additional code involved. Collecting the data in lists or dicts, returning multiple values from a proc, automatic memory management by the interpreter, extending the mathematical language by writing a Tcl proc, all of this comes naturally along with the approach taken by VecTcl.

The overall performance of the current implementation is quite satisfying, especially compared to other competing packages for Tcl. In some cases, there is still a large performance gap to bridge to native code. Some limitations in performance can only be resolved by compiling to native code. Since the VecTcl language definition is more strict than Tcl itself, compiling to native code is a feasible task and some experiments will be performed using tcc4tcl as a JIT backend.

Of equal importance for the overall performance is the shimmering itself, i.e. passing the data back and forth between VecTcl’s internal representation and the Tcl native data types. The linear regression benchmark including the setup time shows that VecTcl beats the competitors with ease in this field, still the actual computation is 5× faster in VecTcl than the shimmering. Reaching this performance requires a few tricks to be played, at least one of them crossing the border of intruding into the innards of the Tcl core. It would be good, if the Tcl core, possibly Tcl 9, could provide a clean way to access the necessary bits without dirty hacks. For a fast vector extension in the spirit of VecTcl, especially a method to examine the type of the internal representation without causing shimmering would be needed, as well as an analogue to the updateStringProc which converts a Tcl_ObjType to a list. Further on the wishlist could be found extended support for NaNs, exposing all functions which parse and print arithmetic types, exposing the functions which parse lists, maybe inclusion of the complex number type into the core, and faster command dispatch.

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