
Example demonstrating array operations

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Vectcl’s array features

One of the remarkable features of Vectcl is the way you can deal with arrays of numerical data. This is akin to MATLAB, Numpy and Fortran 90 and the specific features include: operations on whole arrays, array slices, constructing arrays etc. In this note we highlight these features by means of two examples from completely different numerical areas: data analysis and solving partial differential equations.

Example: Data analysis

Suppose you have a file that looks like this:


Note: The data are completely arbitrary, they just have the typical range for the salinity expressed in promilles and the temperature expressed in degrees Celsius for a typical coastal region in a temperate climate zone. The station labels are also completely arbitrary.

Reading these data into a Tcl list of lists is a no-brainer:

set infile [open "somedata.csv"]
gets $infile

while { [gets $infile line] >= 0 } {
    lappend data [split $line ,]

Since Vectcl is very good at dealing with numerical data, we would like to use it to:

  • determine the mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum for the salinity and temperature
  • examine the correlation between these two parameters

Unfortunately, Vectcl is not good at dealing with non-numerical data. So the first step in our analysis is to get rid of the first two columns. In this case it has no particular consequences, as we are not interested in the data per station or possible trends over time.

It does have a different consequence though: within Tcl itself we often use an empty string to indicate a value is missing (without indicating why it is missing - but that is a different discussion). We can not do that in Vectcl, as an empty string is not the representation of any valid number. We need a different way to represent “missing values”!

Enter the infamous “not-a-number” number (or: NaN). I call it infamous because it is a nasty entity to work with. For instance: gives . Calculating with NaNs generally leads to new NaNs. You could call it a viral number. Another peculiar property of this “number” is: NaN is not equal to any number including itself! In fact this is the most reliable way of determining whether you are dealing with “not-a-number” or not.

So, if one of our measurements got messed up and we could not include a proper number, we could use the string "NaN" (which is interpreted as the “not-a-number” number) instead to indicate the missingness. One way of dealing with such gaps is shown below.

Okay, since our data are complete, we can use traditional Tcl code to extract the two columns we need and ignore for now the issue of missing values:

set table {}
foreach row $data {
    lappend table [lrange $row 2 3]

To work with the columns with salinity and temperature data we use this code fragment (to save space we will leave out the vexpr part in the remainder):

vexpr {
    salinity    = table[:,0]
    temperature = table[:,1]

Because it will be convenient later to have the salinity data in one variable and the temperature data in another, we use array slices. The result of taking such a slice is one-dimensional array, but we can also take a small rectangular part:

rectangle = table[3:10,:]

The colon (:) is an abbreviation for “the whole range at the given dimension”.

Introspection is provided by such functions as shape().

Now let us determine some basic statistical properties of the salinity and temperature data:

salinity_mean = mean(salinity)

The function mean() determines the mean value - by default by examining the data along the first dimension. So if we apply this function to the variable table instead, we get a one-dimensional array that contains the mean of the first column and the second column:

table_mean = mean(table)

puts(table_mean)  # Use the Tcl command puts to quickly print the result

With the data in my example file, I get:

31.346400000000006 17.65139999999999

so indeed an array with two elements, the mean over the two columns.

If you want to average over the rows use:

table_mean = mean(table,1)

Of course, with the two columns representing totally different physical parameters that is nonsensical, but that is beyond Vectcl’s concerns.

To compute the minimum and maximum we have the min() and max() functions. With one argument they give the minimum and maximum value in the first dimension. With two arguments they compare their arguments. Finally to assign the results to variables with more meaningful names, we pick individual array elements:

tmean  = mean(table)
tmin   = min(table)
tmax   = max(table)

salmean  = tmean[0]
tmpmean  = tmean[1]

Now, for the standard deviation there are the functions std() and std1(), respectively the unbiased and the population standard deviations. But we also want the correlation between salinity and temperature and that is something we need to calculate explicitly.

Here are the expressions that gives us that:

tstdev   = sqrt(mean(table.^2)-tmean.^2)
salstdev = tstdev[0]
tmpstdev = tstdev[1]

corr     = mean((salinity-salmean).*(temperature-tmpmean))/salstdev/tmpstdev

Note the .* and.^ operators - they are used to indicate that the operation is to be applied element-wise. Multiplication * is interpreted as a matrix-matrix or matrix-vector operation.

As you can see, Vectcl makes it possible to eliminate a lot of loops that would otherwise obscure the code with irrelevant details. Well, that is an exaggeration, but array operations can clarify the code considerably.

Loops over array elements and dealing with NaNs

Vectcl is still a package in development and we need to determine what features are useful to be included in the core. One thing it does not currently have is a function to remove array elements that do not conform to a certain condition - a filter function.

The vproc command allows us to define just such a function. We ignore the possibility of multidimensional arrays for the sake of simplicity:

vproc filter {array condition} {
	sz        = shape(array)     # Assume a one-dimensional array
	new_array = zeros(sum(condition))

	j = 0
	for i=0:sz-1 {
		if (condition[i]) {
			new_array[j] = array[i]
			j = j + 1
	new_array     # Return the result

We can use this to get rid of those nasty NaNs like:

array = filter(array,array==array)

For instance:

set v {1.0 2.0 NaN 1.2 3.4 NaN -0.2 1.3 4.3 -1.8}

vexpr {
    w = filter(v,v==v)
puts $w

which results in:

1.0 2.0 1.2 3.4 -0.2 1.3 4.3 -1.8

You can use this technique to build all manner of functions, for instance a function to calculate the sum of only those elements that conform to a condition.

Example: partial differential equations

The second example concerns solving mathematical problems that are described via partial differential equations (PDE). Here the simpler numerical methods use grid of data points and a series of algebraic equations to replace the often intractable PDEs. A vast body of literature is available on this topic, so we will concentrate on the features that make Vectcl such a nice tool in this context.

Consider the following problem - well, it is not a practical one as far as I know, I merely constructed it as something slightly more involved than, say, heat conduction in a one-dimensional bar.

So, the problem:

We have a square sheet of inflammable material which is heated in the centre. If the temperature of the material exceeds a certain threshold, it catches fire and burns slowly. That is an additional source of heat. At the edges the sheet is kept at a constant temperature.

What we want to know is: what is the temperature near the point where it is heated and how large is the burned area?

The sheet is divided into a grid of 21 by 21 cells and for each cell we set up a heat balance:

  • Heat is conducted to surrounding cells if the temperature there is lower
  • At the centre a constant amount of heat is added
  • If the temperature is above the threshold, then the material starts to burn, producing heat. We assume all manner of simplifications, though, so just the concentration of the inflammable component gets lower.

The first step is simple enough:

The heat conducted into or out of the cell is the sum of the heat fluxes over the four sides of the cell. Via so-called finite differences we can calculate an approximation of the temperature gradient. It takes a few steps, but the heat balance for a cell can be expressed as:

dHeat = lambda * (Tleft + Tright + Tup + Tdown - 4*Tcell) / dx^2

where lambda measures the conductivity and dx the grid cell’s size.

Special attention is required for the cells near the boundary: there we have the boundary conditions to deal with.

Using Vectcl’s array slicing techniques, the heat conduction in the whole grid can be determined via this expression:

dT[1:nb,1:nb] = a*(T[0:nbm,1:nb]+T[2:nmx,1:nb]+T[1:nb,0:nbm]+T[1:nb,2:nmx]-4.0*T[1:nb,1:nb])

where the auxiliary parameters nb, nbm are related to the grid size and the parameter a comprises the heat conduction and the heat capacity.

By judiciously selecting the bounds of the array slices we get the heat conduction for all grid cells inside the actual grid. We exclude the boundary cells.

To include the burning of the material, we determine how quickly it burns:

dC = -f * C .* (T>Tcrit)
dT = dT - r * dC

where f and r are parameters that measure the rate of burning and the amount of heat that is released during the burning.

Note: since we are dealing with two square two-dimensional arrays (C and the condition _T>Tcrit) we need to be careful with the operators: we need the element-wise multiplication. I fell into that trap myself when developing this example.

The heating in the centre of the grid is a bit simpler:

dT[nq,nq] = dT[nq,nq] + qheat

where nq is (21-1)/2 = 10 - the index of the central grid cell.

Determining the temperature and concentration at the new time level is also simple:

T = T + dT * dt
C = C + dC * dt

as dT and dC in the above description are calculated as proper time-derivatives.

The complete code is given below. It contains some reasonable values for the various physical parameters and it also combines several operations in the actual parameters used - so that the change per time is calculated directly and not the time-derivative.

# Set up the grid and some parameters
vexpr {
    rho      = 1.0e3  # kg/m3
    cp       = 1.0e4  # J/kg.K
    dx       = 0.02   # mm
    lambda   = 1.0    # W/m.K
    dt       = 0.1 * rho * cp * dx^2 / lambda # This is a stability criterium

    qheat    = 1.0e4 / rho / cp / dx^2 # W/m2 --> K/s

    fcombust = 8.0e-6 # Rate coefficient for combustion
    rcombust = 2.0e5  # Amount of heat produced
    Tcrit    = 9.0    # K - excess temperature

    Fcombust = fcombust * dt
    Rcombust = rcombust * Fcombust

    nsize    = 21     # Number of grid cells
    nq       = 10     # Location of the heated cell

    nmx      = nsize - 1 # Last cell (right boundary)
    nb       = nsize - 2 # Last active cell
    nbm      = nb    - 1 # Last "left" cell

    T        = constfill(0.0,nsize,nsize)
    dT       = constfill(0.0,nsize,nsize)
    C        = constfill(1.0,nsize,nsize)
    dC       = constfill(0.0,nsize,nsize)

    a        = lambda * dt / rho / cp / dx^2

proc report {t Th Tn Ch area} {
    puts "$t $Th $Tn $Ch $area"

# Loop over time
vexpr {
    for i=0:100 {
        # Heat conduction
        dT[1:nb,1:nb] = a*(T[0:nbm,1:nb]+T[2:nmx,1:nb]+T[1:nb,0:nbm]+T[1:nb,2:nmx]-4.0*T[1:nb,1:nb])

        # Combustion
        dC = -Fcombust * C .* (T>Tcrit)
        #dC = -Fcombust * (T>Tcrit)
        dT = dT - Rcombust * dC


        # Heating in central point
        dT[nq,nq] = dT[nq,nq] + qheat

        # Update the temperature and the concentration
        T = T + dT
        C = C + dC

        time = i * dt
        Th = T[nq,nq]
        Ch = C[nq,nq]
        Tn = T[nq+1,nq+1]

        # area where something is burning
        area = sum(sum(dC<0,1),0)


Experiment a bit with these parameters to see how sensitive the central temperature is - choosing a larger combustion rate coefficient fcombust quickly lead to very high temperatures. Because of the threshold for combustion, this problem is not analytically solvable. Numerical simulations like these are one convenient way to study them and with Vectcl Tclers have a powerful instrument at their disposal.